
It finally happened.

Following Noodle biting away at some of the wallpaper in the hall the other week, we decided, at last, to bite the bullet and start stripping the multiple layers of wallpaper off the hall and landing walls.
We picked up a wall paper steamer on Friday so that made things a whole lot easier.

We both absolutely hate the decor in the house and I think this is one of the biggest surface areas to deal with. It was an entire day and night thing, which was made slightly easier with Ferguson spending most of the day playing withe Daniel a few doors down.
By bedtime, there still remains about a third to do but at least a good start has been made and at least now progress in being made.

It's my 36th birthday tomorrow and what has upset me is the fact that my mum made me feel guilty for me not going to her house and collecting my own birthday card.
Plus I have to do the very same thing with my son's gifts...."Oh, would you might jsut calling round to collect your things?" - Yes, actually I do!!
Why do people think it's alright to make me run around for the benefit of my birthday, when it's actually my birthday.

Anyway, off my soap box who actually cares.....clearly not my on mother.

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