
My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

Corrie and me headed into the Whakatāne  office this morning for some final checks and then showed June, Lynley and Haley how to use the kit.

It takes about 5 minutes to train people because it is really easy. "You just press that button there," is my full and complete training session.

They were lovely and so happy with it. The good thing is that the bar had been set really low by their previous kit which was like an exercise bike or a treadmill - purely decorative - since they moved into that office.

Here you can see the team having called their mate Stu in Tauranga. As you can see, Stu is a bit of a character. June was also loving the new room name (Tōiki) which is a kind of shark they get in the local waters. 

It is nice to get such positive feedback. As I told Corrie later, I am not used to it. Thirty years in IT, and the reward is typically just finishing the f***ing thing. Thanks doesn't really come into it.

Because everything was done so early we then drove back to Rotorua to catch an earlier flight where we encountered possibly the least helpful airport staff ever. Apparently changing your effing FLEXI TICKET flight to a different slot on the same day is reasonable. But moving it up by a WHOLE DAY? OH MY GOD! THE SKY WILL FALL! THE SEAS WILL BURN! AAIIIIIEEEEE!!

In the end Corrie managed it via the travel agent while I was still on hold with the airline. 

I hugged her goodbye at Wellington airport and again marvelled at what a close family we have become. She's like a cool niece or a (really) younger sibling.

Speaking of work bonds, I also needed to get home, have a nap and a shower and get ready to meet up with Jeff and Manda for dinner. Jeff had also been away installing kit, this time in Palmerston North, and Paraparaumu was on his way home.

We had a fun time, they are a groovy couple. Caro and Manda have a lot in common and spent much of the evening talking about how they could murder Jeff and I and dispose of our bodies. Both of them have put a scary amount of thought into this*.

And then it was time to go home. I fell into bed after another big day on the project and tried to hope that it will never end.


* I messaged Ellie about this and got the following response:

"OMG CARO TALKS ABOUT DEAD BODY DISPOSAL?! I love her, I truly love her. I too, enjoy discussing dead body disposal and have on occasion, frightened AJ."

Is this a thing? Do all wives do it?

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