Squinty Hoose

Quite a day!
We had a good night's sleep (the bed was comfy, thanks for asking!) and after breakfast drove a couple of miles down the road to explore Pembridge, where almost all the houses are traditional full-timbered black and white, like this one. Almost too pictureskew :)
Next, we went to an owl collection. I got to stroke a spectacled owl. My life is complete.
A quick change into our gladrags, then off to the pre-wedding gathering, a few glasses of champagne, meeting up with the lovely CarolineJay, then off to the wedding venue. The Judge's Lodging in Presteigne. A wonderfully preserved 19th Century judges' house cum court; no electricity, just oil- and gas-lamps for light. Exploring the house before the ceremony, the lovely Coxson pulled off the Great Preseigne Hat Heist.
She's going daaaaahn.
A tear in the eye as I and G got wed, then back to JJ's for more champagne, processed to the village hall and food and mad music and a tale from Storyteller Laureate, Taffy.
A brilliant day! More photos HERE

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