First Christmas Card

My first Christmas Card this year and it’s a lovely home made one from my step niece. Every year there is a competition between her and her father, HL’s brother, to see who makes the most original one. This one will take some beating.

I have spent time these last three days writing Christmas cards and I could almost put money on the 2nd card popping through the letter box being from that one person I’ve missed out.

Apart from writing Christmas cards, I’ve marzipanned 2 Christmas cakes after ‘watering them copiously with Brandy and made myself feel sick by eating to many of the marzipan trimmings. Serves you right, I hear you say and I can’t but agree.

It feels very cold and raw today although I am hardly an authority since I’ve only walked to Söderberg Pavilion and back for coffee with a friend. Söderberg Pavilion have suddenly gone up market and should you want to reserve a table you have to do it online with Open Table. Life gets more complicated by the minute.

It seems a short day - 4pm and it’s dark but it will be a long evening, too long to ignore the last of my birthday chocolates and errr….., the Baileys.

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