Historic Coventry
Coventry is perhaps known for it's 1950s architecture, Lady Godiva, Peeping Tom and (if memory serves me right) the fact that John Ketley, the weather man, did his degree there. There are nice old bits too!
Never made it into the Philip Larkin pub, maybe next time. Apparently the pub was renamed in 2017 in honour. Larking spent his childhood in Coventry (which I did not know). He studied at Oxford and then famously became the librarian at the University of Hull. I studied him at part of my A level in English Literature. He turned down and OBE and offer of becoming Poet Laureate. He died in 1985 when I was in my last year of primary school and would have likely not even had much awareness of poetry beyond Wordsworth.
I used to own a copy of the Whitsun Weddings. I have to say that some of the language he used was rather eye opening, much more so that the occasional f-bomb. I think one of my favourite poems is An Arundel Tomb. I'm not a big poetry fan but occasionally something takes my interest.
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