Snip Snip…

Hi Everyone,

I thought as I plan to go out and about a little more next year, I should get myself setup with the NHS app and the COVID passport thingy… All done now which may or may not be useful, I guess time will tell on that one.

I did more sorting out and found both my Mum and Dad’s probate documentation… I think they will be dispatched to my little sister who seems to be going through a family tree phase.

No news on any of the jobs I applied for which is slightly disheartening. I may have said this before but if I don’t get any interest by the end of February then I will guest focus on enjoying early retirement.

I had to contact NS&I today, they were super helpful, you could not have asked for anything more regarding customer service. Another item ticked off the list. I have been thinking that I will stop most of this activity around the 12th December and restart in the new year… 

The Photo:
As I find expired bank and membership cards, I just snip them up and put a mixed handful in the bin bag that contains some shredding… Maybe slightly over cautious.

Stay happy, strong, and healthy… more tomorrow.


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