I should have listened…

Hi Everyone,

With much of this stuff I have been recently doing it has got me thinking that I should get my own affairs in order as it would not be to much fun for my daughter to deal with especially after loosing such a wonderful father like me – lol (She might have something else so say on that matter).

Anyway, I have started a little project called “Bugger Dad is Dead” and I will just try and get a fair bit of the leg work done in advance and some of the financial jiggery pokery sorted out to allow her to have as much as possible. It is quite low on my priorities getting this done but can imagine that its not the sort of thing one would want to deal with if you were poorly so I will make sure all is completed before the end of next year. That’s enough of that sort of business.

The document I spoke about yesterday arrived which helped provide some clarity for me and so far, I have had no ill effects from yesterday’s booster jab… Maybe not all of us are “Soft Southerners” haha.

I ordered a new Fitbit this morning so I can send myself insane with all the stats… I got it a bit cheaper due to all the Black Friday malarkey… It should arrive next week.

I spoke with my daughter last night, all sort of okay over there, no green card yet, she is going to chase them next week and she still plans to return home in the middle of December. 

The Photo:
This was the flyer for the second house I ever purchased, the estate agent suggested that this house would not be appropriate for me, which made me want to buy it more… maybe he was a master of reverse psychology. It was in a bit of a state, and I struggled to fix it up and should have heeded his words. Fortunately, I still had house number one and sold this one when complete. The flyer is actually when I had it up for sale. I am guessing around 1985.

Stay happy, strong, and healthy… more tomorrow.


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