
By Mindseye

Earthy & autumnal

Slept well, awake early, before the alarm……dull grey and damp today, typical as I had plans for this aft with my camera. :-(

Wasnt overly hungry, so just some berries for breakfast, then it was time dor work before I knew it.  A heavy session, minuting our Team meeting, and contributing, 9.30 to 1.15pm, somy head was mashed  y the time I logged off. Difficult minuting when you dont full understand and they speak in acronyms lol. 

Made myself a quick scrambled egg on toast, then headed out the door, my note pad and ipad in my bag, thinking I will get on with transcribing, whilst its all still fresh in my head lol!  I have 12 pages of notes……got my coffee and set to. My phone kept ringing, spoke to a friend, then daughter, who has a big career decision to make.I know she will make the right choice. Later, I got back to my task…..think I typed up about 25%, at least its a start!  Will try and finish them off tomorrow afternoon, whilst getting paid for it lol! 

Back home just before 5, Made a quick slimming world carbonara, always nice and tasty.  

Had half an hour downtime before getting washed and changed, then picked up D&E from nextdoor and off we went to the pub quiz……I wont say how we didn, not worth a mention lol!  We did win the bingo, but so did 5 others, so it's been rolled over to next week, rather than sharing between 6.  Bet we dont win next week lol! 

Todays blip is one of lots of fungi thats popped up in the lawn, which is desperate for a cut, but far too damp….the fungis seem to like it though ;-) 

Its now 11.30 so time for bed…….

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