Many bridges to cross

Another iffy early alarm too so hub could have a cuppa and some toast, 4 hours before his appointment. A bright start but chilly, nice to see the sun.

We didnt have too long to wait before hub was checked in, obivously his covid test was negative. I waited as we were told we could have a quick word with the consultant. He told us to hang on in there for four more days, it seems we will be seeing him Friday for the results.

I used the waiting time to do some grocery shopping, then popped to the canal where I found the bridge I spotted on my walk last time, lucky as it seems to fit todays Mono Monday theme.

Then back to the car park, not a space to be had, drove around & around for 15 minutes until eventually someone vacated a spot. The nurse called said hub would be down in 15 mins, so to pull up outside.....right on cue 3 small ambulances arrived dropping off patients, filled the drop off point, next thing hub walked out and came to the car. He is ok.....not a nice experience he said :-/

Home by 3, groceries away, a sandwich for me, and two cups of tea......hub was fed and watered before he was discharged. Ive been out front clearing the fallen leaves, not all down yet though.

One of our neighbours has just knocked on and brought us two lovely mince pies to cheer us up she said :-)

Keep thinking about getting the x decorations down from the loft......maybe tomorrow!

No idea whats on the menu for dinner, see what takes our fancy later.

Hope youre all good and safe

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