Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

New Coat

A lovely sunny morning for Robert to take Archie up the hill, then come back and have a cuppa and a chat. Found out today that we’d all been at the same Eric Bogle concert in the Speigletent many years ago. A teensy bit jealous that he’s getting tickets for Don McLean at the Usher Hall next year.

Then an exciting delivery, which was due tomorrow, came today. JR was VERY excited. It’s a winter coat that she’s been lusting after for ages. Archie loved it too. Straight on to her back and off we went into town to try it out. She was as warm as toast, she declared. Mind you, so was I in my old untrendy duffle coat…

I then spent much of the evening continuing battling with techie problems. I wanted to change my Apple ID. Not as easy as it sounds, because you can’t just swap to one of your other emails, it has to be a completely new account. I did have to have phone call help from Apple, which was great, as he took over my screen. ‘No problem if you want to that one,’  says he, ‘But it will take a month to change it…’ 

Pardon? A MONTH!!%^*+^%¥§*&#*

So it would be easier to set up a completely new email account? Yes. 

Well - not so easy it turns out. In fact, I’ve spent most of the evening doing that, and finally succeeded just before I blew a gasket.

When I came home from town I took Archie out for a walk - he’d stayed home with his bone because he’d had a big walk in the morning. We popped in to see Mary, a neighbour, and arranged for a coffee morning. Archie eventually got a wee bit stroppy, because he was mad we were sitting there for too long when it was supposed to be his walk. He started being silly and grabbing the lead, growling, and head bumping people’s legs.

Enjoying ‘Witch Hunt’ on Channel 4. And ‘Impeachment’ is hotting up at last.

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