To Newhaven

You might find this hard to believe and, indeed, have to take my work for it, but Twitter was once a fun and happy place. It seemed that no matter what time of day you metaphorically wandered in, there would be someone to chat to or joke with, or who shared your most esoteric musical interests.

And occasionally, there would be 'tweet ups' where people got together and do you know what? Ninety-nine percent of the time they were just as lovely in real life as they were online. In fact, it was surprising just how often they were exactly how you thought they would be.

It must have been ten years ago when I first met Gibbzer* and Shelagh, and it's a sign of just how strong some of those Twitter friendships were that they have lasted to this day.

Today, the Minx and I travelled up to Edinburgh, working on the train and then from our hotel room. In the evening we walked down to Newhaven to have dinner with Shelagh at The Fishmarket (v good, would recommend).

Our route there took us along what I think were some old train lines, which might have been a little spooky in the dark, despite the lighting, if they weren't so well used by runners, cyclists, and dog walkers, as well as people just walking, like ourselves.

Unsurprisingly, we had an excellent evening with Shelagh, inevitably ending up with drinks at her flat and an Uber back to the hotel.

*Whom the Minx and I visited after Public Service Broadcasting just over a week ago.

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