
By Mindseye

Bright light!

Slept well, leisurely rise and shine today, hair, bit of make up, met my friend as planned for coffee at 11. C used to live nextdoor, we get on so well, nattered our socks off for two hours lol! Two coffees and a sausage bap…no brown sauce, again, forced myself to try tomato ketchup for the first time believe it or not!!  It wasnt too bad tbh, better than I expected. 

Although it was a glorious morning, very bright and sunny, but cold;  it was frosty early on, I heard someone scraping their windscreen, whilst I was still snuggled in bed lol, I drove to meet C, as i wanted to take my car to the hand car wash on the way back, its not been washed for a couple of months, was filthy!!  Not anymore, Id forgotten what a lovely shade of red it is lol! 

Once back home, got changed,  then I tackled the interior of the car, washed the interior with a fragrant damp cloth, hoovered the mats, the carpets, the boot, wiped all the ledges, looks pristine…even put a new air freshener in too! 

I hadnt had chance to speak to any of my neighbours about helping me cut the tall crown from the magnolia, so I was determined to get it done today, got the ladders and the loppers, managed to do it all by myself, rather chuffed :-)
Collected up the last of the fallen leaves in the front so its looking neat and tidy now. 

Moved into the back garden, decided fo tackle the overgrown black sambucca and cottinus, neither got a trim last year let alone a proper cutting back…..managed to get the sambucca cut and binned, but the cottinus will have to stay under the arbour, until the garden bin has been emptied a week next Thursday :-/  Raked up the fallen leaves and cleared up the mess id made on the lawn, just managed to squeeze those into the bin too!!  All the time I was out there, I was conscious hub was there too, he was well wrapped up, still in the blanket Olivia has put around him xx

It was almost dark by the time Id finished, chilly too…..and Id done 8k steps!  Came indoors, washed my hands, went and got changed, lots of leaves had obviously found their way into my gillet and hoodie…..scattered on the bedroom floor lol! 

Made myself a cuppa, and warmed some homemade vegetable soup. Downloaded 400+ images from my camera into Lightroom, not done that for ages either! Exported the images Id selected for camera club tomorrow, so thats done. 

Dinner was roast chicken, mashed potatoes, sprouts, leeks and cauliflower cheese……. very tasty.   Next was the Strictly results…….wont comment just in case lol.  Then it was on to watch An audience with Adele…..she is just so talented, such a fab voice, really enjoyed it. 

The only thing I haven't managed to do today, that I thought I might, was write my Christmas cards, plenty of time for that yet lol!

Oh yes, the blip…….just a quick shot of the lovely bright yellow mahonia, against that stunning blue sky :-) 

Monday again tomorrow! 

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