Just the Withers......

By JaneW

On the chocolate day of the year....

one must attack one's sister with a 'chuck-it' and leave her rolling near a lump of deer poo.
I awoke at 6am as Sadie needed a wee,and then I felt wide awake so I caught up on blip and then before I knew it I woke again at 10am !
Mr W made some egg and bacon rolls for breakfast and then I iced the cakes which incidentally I decided to make at 10.30pm last night,I also made a pineapple upside down cake too.
ANYWAY.... we then went on a dog walk with the girls,who proceeded to tussle over the ball throwing thingy and then we came home,I popped to collect Zoe,Darren and Jake so we could have a cuppa tea and some cake......
Mr W did a lovely Sunday roast and now I am slobbing on the sofa.
Tomorrow we are off bowling.I am CRAP at bowling,but the children seem to like it.I like the chips (fries) they sell there.

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