
We had to do a birthday photo for a friend...as you can see he's 40! 
We collected Isabel who came for the day and night as her Dad is DJing in Mallorca and her mom wanted to go along too. It was a bit chaotic and we needed to get them out (!!) so we headed to Santa Eulalia to meet up with Joel & Ellie who are back for a few months. We walked along the river and fed seeds to the ducks...we also found 2 snails as pets (more 'pets'!). It was cold today so hot chocolates and a shared plate of chips was very welcome! Home via Chris's place to feed his cats and back for a Christmas film and dinner.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The person we did this pic for - someone we love hugely! 
2) The tattoo healing really well.
3) Walking along the river - Nate super duper happy and delighted by everything. He was a joy! 

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