Fishy pic

I met Stef for coffee as soon as the kids were in school. I also saw Chele and Sole's daughter in-law, both in the local cafe. Blip was snapped quickly back at Stef's whilst picking up a few bits. She spent the morning with me getting all our homeless clothes sorted, organised and put away out of sight. It's been a huuuuge task and she was amazing. She's asked to help out regularly with bits and bobs which is brilliant for us!
She even made us minestrone for lunch and brought that with her!!
Stephen came early evening to look after the kids whilst Danny and I went up the hill for tea on James and Rich's balcony. So so good to see them and just natter. And so kind of Stephen to come be with Asha and Nate. And all back in our respective homes by 10pm because of the curfew!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Stef being so helpful! She's brought order where there was chaos!
2) Asha having a brilliant afternoon at a friend's mini birthday party.
3) Good friends.

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