An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

I'm Dreaming of a...

Backblipped 31.03.13

White Easter

Still lots of snow around but thankfully it's mainly on the hills now and a tiny wee corner of our garden where the sun don't shine!

Marion and Eddie (Alan's newest helper) were coming to spend the day with Alan so David and I took the chance to get out for a bit of a run in the car and ended up at the the Scottish Antique and Arts Centre at Abernyte.

Had a wander round there wondering who on earth actually buys some of the tat fine merchandise on sale. I mean there was a stuffed baby deer! Tried to take a pic of it on my phone to blip, to convince you that I had been frolicking in the snowy hills with a herd of deer but alas my photoshop skills are crap not quite sufficiently honed to pull that off.

And I did a double take when I saw a Vettriano painting for sale reproduction not an original for £145. We have the identical one and another, in much better frames, waiting to go to the charity shop. They have since been removed from said charity pile and will be for sale soon!

Couldn't resist sitting in a rather grand Victorian chair. Beautifully carved wood and plumped up velvet cushion. Unfortunately the voluptious cushion padding hid a multitude of errant springs so my derrier didn't hang around on the seat for long!

The trip was worth it though as we came away with two beautiful, original paintings that now have pride of place in the hall.

All in all, a good Good Friday :))

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