Sky at 6pm

Mr C brought the van back from its service and I drove the car home. DVLA has had my licence for months but as they have not told me not to drive the insurance says I can. DVLA seems to be in such a mess since Covid.

We picked up the boys from after school club and got them scampi and chips for their tea to eat during the 1 hour drive home. They were full of chat about their fund-raising day for Children in Need. Thankfully they have not asked to watch any of it on TV.

I’ve been reading about a special lunar eclipse in NZ that won’t happen again for 800 years. We seem to get them twice a year. I’ll have to look it all up but not till I get over seeing Nadine Dorres being given propaganda time on BBC news to say “social media is full of left wing snowflakes.” She’s made a start on ensuring BBC bias in her party’s favour. The next item was one sentence to announce Andrew Marr was leaving BBC so that “his own voice can be heard”. Obviously he had been too rigorous in his questioning of PM and his ministers.

Well after that I’d better be off to slurp down some blood pressure tablets with a G&T. (Recent blood tests are fine apart from the cholesterol is up so I’ll be discussing options next week by phone with a nurse.)

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