If Only.....

If only these berries on the Virginia Creeper beside the Dower House wall were the real McCoy black grapes and not just imposters, I would have my shoes and socks off pronto to trample and make some homemade wine. As well as imposters they are probably poisonous, but I’m not for finding out.

It was beautifully sunny in the morning and windless which made the tidying up of the fallen leaves that had sought refuge in a corner of the patio much easier. Instead of bagging them and consigning them to the bin, I deposited them on the rest of the leaves along the wall at the side of the railings. The gardeners will blow them all into a heap and take them away.

I managed to find Advent Calendars today and get them dispatched to the Glasgow grandchildren. Our PO decided at the beginning of the pandemic not to open until 11am which is a bit of a nuisance having been previously used to it opening at 8:30am. I can see that as Christmas approaches it will become really busy and it will be so time consuming to send off parcels.

When I went out this afternoon in search of wool the temperature had dropped to ‘feeling like 1°’. We have been spoiled recently with above average temperatures, so it was a shivery shock to the system even in the sun.

Now as the light goes and I sit to write this entry I refuse to put on the heating until the witching hour of 4pm and am beshawled with a hot water bottle on my lap in the meantime. If only I had a fire like Snapper.........

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