Dodging another bullet

Or, it never rains but it.....
Or, there but for the grace....
Or, WTF?

It's me and our family/home that's dodging the bullet, but others....

If you remember the aerial extra in yesterday's blip, this image, (not mine but used for current events), is from  bottom right.
An RV parking lot ablaze, some of the pall of thick black smoke perhaps being toxic, and crews cannot get to it because of the flooding. Somebody, somewhere, has surely peed on somebody's cornflakes to warrant the havoc that's been descended upon us right now. We have been warned to keep windows and doors closed and air conditioning turned off. (Do they realize it was -2 last night?)
184 people were evacuated overnight by rescue crews, more are still on alert. There are concerns that bodies of missing persons will be found buried in the mud slides that the rain brought about.
The provincial government have now officially declared a state of emergency..
Here's some more info.

Ah well...

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