Its the Way It Is

By Jeano


as a powerful tool for dramatic effect in film making

A full and busy day in college today. We viewed film clips showing the various uses of silhouette imaging and I really enjoyed it.

We were then split into 2 groups of 10 each and had to write, plan and devise shot selection of a gangster short film using silhouette. This was just great fun and the whole process took nearly 2 hours.

We then came back into the studio and our tutor viewed our films and he corrected and praised accordingly.

We had a short break and then watched Mulholland Drive. Holy Moly

Followed by a brief lecture on David Lynch and his style.

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So now my mind is in creative mode (after a nice dinner of pork chops and the last of my homemade apple sauce) and I wanted to make a fun blip. On a desk lamp I draped some pink netting (from a chocolate box) and placed my seahorse over it. It gives quite a magical look

I really enjoy these special effects I am learning and it’s amazing what you can find in your kitchen to help you

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