Kevin's take on life

By KevinV

The Credit River

Today was a jam packed day. started out doing groceries trying to beat the crowds at the store. With Easter weekend here everything has been closed yesterday and Sunday. After lunch stopped by the computer store to buy a network card for one of my PC's.

I then took 15 mins to stop by a park in Brampton to grab this Blip of the Credit River. The park I stopped at was Churchville park. This park is a hidden park in Brampton not know by many and very hard to find without a map.

I then returned home installed the network card, cleaned the kitchen did the laundry and cleaned the bathroom. I then forgot something at the store and ran back to grab it, however had to wait in line forever.

Tonight is time to relax put my feet up and look at some blips with a drink

Happy Easter!!!

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