An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

That doesn't look comfy!

Backblipped 12.11.21

Please forgive another lazy Lola blip (she is literally lying right in front of me :-) but after my first relatively pain free day in weeks yesterday, I am in agony again so photography was not top of my list of things to do.

I got up this morning, full of the joys at being able to put one foot in front of the other without crying out in pain and all was well till I brushed my teeth.  Reaching into the bathroom cabinet to get the mouthwash the right hand side of my lower back (opposite side to the sciatica) spasmed and I suddenly couldn't straighten.  

Managed to sit down and realised that no.matter which way I moved, my back would protest.  I managed to get showered by grinding my teeth and getting on with it.  David brought a bowl of cereal upstairs for me so I could take my painkillers.  I never take them on an empty stomach.

Got downstairs just in time for Celia Henderson's RPS online workshop.  David brought me an ice pack so sat with that against my back.  It helped a little.  I really enjoyed the workshop as it was about the oil painting brush in Photoshop.  It was a struggle to stay awake though as prescription strength co-codomol and Ibuprofen make me very sleepy..  I may have nodded off on more than one occasion.  I hope no one noticed!

The rest of the day was spent trying to get the balance between resting and moving.  Also tried some light stretching but it's so difficult when it causes such pain.

Ended up having a relatively early night and thankfully managed to find a comfortable sleeping position.  More than can be said for Lola!  

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