
Guess what Ann made me do today.......................... Climb steps?!! Thousands of them.........................

Honestly, when Ann takes on little projects I always have to do them with her. Most of the time she chooses little projects that she knows I'll enjoy. She says we're a team so we have to work together. Our latest project is to climb up Mount Everest before Christmas. Not literally!!! That means we have to walk up at least one hill every day and instead of taking the lift to our 4th floor flat we have to walk up all the stairs. I'm liking this project because when we climb up hills I'm always off my lead for a good run about.

Today our weather app said rain all day. Our weather app often lies and we didn't get rain all day. However, it had obviously rained in the night so Ann thought all our normal hill walking routes would be wet and muddy. She said, 'Trixie, I have a plan. Lets walk into town and see how many flights of stairs we can find to walk up and down.'

First we walked to the Grassmarket and walked all the way up hundreds of steps to get to the Castle. For those of you who don't know Edinburgh; the Royal Mile (which is the road from the Castle down to Holyrood Palace) is built on a 'ridge' which means that there are loads of little 'closes' leading off the Royal Mile to the streets below.

We spent two hours walking up steps and down steps and up steps and down steps, etc, etc, etc. It wasn't the bestest walk in the world for me because I had to stay on my lead. Boohooo. But at least by the end of it we'd climbed more than 700ft towards our 'Climb Mount Everest project'. Whoooohoooo!!!

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