Abstract Thursday ...

... get closer. 

Although today wasn't as warm as the past few days we decided we wanted to go for a lunch time picnic.  Richard took a longer lunch (but worked later) so that we could go the Jacobsburg State Park for our picnic and a wander around the park ... see extra #1.  We had a lovely time even if shortened by the fact that Richard had to return to work.

Before our picnic I took a walk in the backyard looking for my 'get closer' abstract.  These ornamental grasses were back lit which I liked very much.  I almost always have the telephoto on the camera so I had to zoom in to 'get closer'.  I converted the image to sepia as I liked the look. My second extra is a close up of our lovely Kiera.  I was torn between these two pictures.  Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday each and every week.

Speaking of hosting ... I finally narrowed down my choices of this month's Silly Saturday.  There were a total of 53 entries (not counting my own) ... thank you to all that participated.  

Hearts were awarded to the following:
Ninniex ~ such shameless behavior!
Hanulli ~ Santa has to get it together!
JohnRH ~ Love all the different signs.
BanksiaMan ~ Clever photo and write-up.
Paola ~ Cute forest find.

Honorable Mentions awarded to the following:
60plus ~ Love the mismatched socks! 
freespiral ~ Her smile is infectious and I love the watermelon dress!
rmeinz ~ Are we in Oz? And I don't mean Australia!
LincolnWarrior ~ Who doesn't love a cat in the bath?!?
Honeycombebeach ~ They're all ready to Play Outside!

Thanks again to all that have participated in this month's Silly Saturday in memory of Admirer.  I would like to think that she's pleased with the fact that we are keeping her fun challenge going.  

Phew! This concludes my hosting of any challenge for a while.  Unless I volunteer for a Mono Monday month sometime in the future if Laurie54 needs hosts in order to keep this challenge going.  

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