Two steps forward...

By stevvi

Chalkwell Seafront

Having taken a few more traditionally pretty and colourful photos recently I was really quite excited when it was dull, grey and mizzley outside and knew exactly where I wanted to go and the type of shot I wanted to take. It’s rare that things work out so perfectly for me but I am really pleased with this one, especially the colour work, and, for me, it is much more engaging than yet another a landscape at sunrise or similar (yes, I’ve been going through one of my “bored with everything” phases).

I also think that this can be the start of an informal project, “Southend in Winter”, that I’m doing loosely in tandem with Photoliff who is doing the same with Bournemouth.  

I’ve included the extra of the blind woman as I love the feeling of it, but I do like the look of the main more.

Better large

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