
By Grammy

I’m Looking at You

Sunny and another day of perfect temps. This new time is waking us up at 6:00 am or earlier. Ugh! I heated hubby’s breakfast, put dry rubbed pork in the crock pot and started my day. After completing a few inside jobs, I went outside to attack the garden by the back porch. As much as I love attracting butterflies, the butterfly bushes are simply too unwieldy. They get so big, we have no visibility to the bird feeders. Down they came. We have herbs and liriope in that garden also; they got severe “haircuts”. I dug up a fragrant lemon verbena that was in our walking path. As I replanted it in a pot by our heating systems, I spotted this big boy/girl. Since they eat hummers, they are not my favorite insect. I think I have a photo app that can get rid of busy backgrounds but wasn’t up to fooling with it tonight. Somehow, it was time to shower and go to the base with hubby and too late to eat lunch. He drove himself to his PT appointment. He still has a lot of pain but he is doing well otherwise. We have an “angel tree” at church. One recipient asked for a Dairy Queen gift card so we grabbed that while we were near the restaurant. We each indulged in a small blizzard-yum! I swept the back porch and patio to get rid of the mess made by pruning the bushes. We are both exhausted from today’s pace. We’ll just finish some leftovers and I’ll make a full pork dinner tomorrow - no energy at the moment. Hubby is asleep anyway. The bed will feel good tonight. Thanks for dropping by. So glad you enjoyed the bug filled mums. Stay safe folks. “You've got to get up every morning with determination if you're going to go to bed with satisfaction.” - George Lorimer

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