Shadows in time

By cairistiona

Maccies in the car

'Shall we go and have a Maccies in the car?'
'Yeah, all right.'

My Maccies in the car partner in crime is my daughter, but she's away in Canada at the moment - so this evening it was just me for slovenly cop out dinner.

Also I needed to get out of the house for a bit and just sit with my own thoughts. Mum questions my every move and it's hard work. Alzheimer's also seems to have blurred the boundary between herself and me, so if I say I'm going to cook something, she goes to the fridge and starts getting things out. It's hard to get her to give me space without provoking a confrontation. So anyway, tonight I couldn't be arsed. And I ate Maccies in the car on my own. It was very enjoyable.

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