Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

A tri-colour cat keeping a look out up our street.

The Feast Day of St. Zachary and St. Elizabeth.
It is a clear cold start to the morning, and as I was coming home from my walk, this delightful cat was in the window. Most houses on our row have a cat, some more than one, and many have dogs. The house has recently sold, so they could be about to move soon.
I hope it won't be too noisy for them this evening as no doubt the fireworks displays will be enjoyed by those who do them in the neighbourhood. As a quiet person who enjoys solitude, and peace, it is not something I look forward to. Arthur is thankfully a bit deaf, so he is unaffected by the bangs and loudness. It will take a miracle for the tradition to stop and something better to replace it.
Have a good day blip friends and keep the animals safe.

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