
By Mindseye

Black & white

Slept well, woke just after 7, dozed until 7.50 then switched the radio on, before the alarm went off. 
Up, hair washed, dressed, hair styled, bit of make up, quick breakfast of fruit & yogurt….skipped a cuppa and went for a coffee instead, before I drove over to sis’s.

We went into Manchester to do some shopping, 
didnt get a lot, but did get sis some lovely perfume part of her x**s pressie. I tried a lovely woollen dress on in House of Fraser, reduced from £200!!! to £79, fitted really well, loved it, but it was so thick, I couldn't think where I would wear it…. too hot for eating out in, too thick for xmas parties, so just couldn't justify buying it….was a bit gutted really :-/ 

We had a lovely king prawn with lemon mayo on a ciabatta, with side salad in San Carlo for lunch, looked around lots of shops, but didnt see anything that tempted either of us tbh. I took todays blip just before we stopped for a coffee mid afternoon, before walking back to the car.  This barber caught my eye,  mainly due to what he was wearing to be fair, looks like he’s just escaped lol!!!! 

We parked in the pre booked car park, finally found a car park that's in the city centre and not a rip off! 
Prebook and prepay, state time of arrival & departure, max 10hr slot, £4.90 :-) 

Home to sis’s, walked Kobi, then back, sis finished off making tea, a lovely chicken mushroom & bacon pie, with mashed potatoes, and garden peas.  BiL came in from work, then we enjoyed tea, 

I left just after 7 to drive to meet up with my neighbours D&E at the pub quiz for 8pm.  It was a really tough quiz tonight, we were mid table, very average:-/ 

Its now almost. idnight, so time for bed, managed 12,500 steps today, first day for ages where I have exceeded 10k !!! 

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