M Day

After the recent heavy rains, today dawned frosty and cloudless. A great relief as all our possessions were going to transit from this 18 tonne lorry into our new house. Their arrival was delayed by a crash on the M42. Luckily not involving our lorry. I did wonder what our reaction would have been to all our possessions failing to arrive?

I did not have to wonder for too long as the lorry arrived and its two man crew worked tirelessly all day to empty the van and fill our house. Our boxes of books gave them the hardest workout but they carried them all to our new upstairs study without complaint.

The Edinburgh based removal company that we used call themselves by the same name that makes a clockwork! As far as we can tell they have lived up to this name, emptying our Edinburgh home, putting it all into four months’ storage and finally delivering it today. I say “as far as we can tell” because much is stacked up in cardboard boxes that have surprisingly cryptic explanations on them! A giant 3D game of pelmanism has begun!

Our new neighbours have been very accommodating while the lorry narrowed the road today and have made us feel very welcome here.

We have also been following events in Glasgow today. COP 26 continues to make the headlines while so many world leaders are in Scotland. We desperately hope the climate details will be acted upon, this time, for the sake of everyone who inhabits our dear green place that we call our planet earth (and also Glasgow in Gaelic?!).

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