Summer’s end

I picked the last of our roses yesterday to decorate the table for our guests last night. It’s sad to think that’s the end if them till June.

It was a lovely sunny day so Val, who has had a bad cold for 10 days, felt up to a short walk today so we walked along Hillside West and up through the quarry to Gimmerknowes. Once there she thought she could manage the gentle stroll round the moor so we did 4 miles. We have been friends for almost 50 years, meeting when her younger daughter and my eldest went to play group. However in the last few years we see less of each other. That’s life I suppose. Things move on.

Ella is away with school for 2 nights at an outdoor adventure place. Nathaniel sent me a picture of him with a sad face, holding a picture of Ella, saying he missed her already!

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