The gang...

...for the day. They've been really good as a 3 today. Nate utterly loves Charlie. They've made a lot of Hama bead creations (so I've done a lot of ironing to melt them together!), Dino bingo and singing along to their favourite tracks whilst they created. We wandered out to this new cafe was as wonderful as we thought it might be being a French patisserie...
Tonight I could hear Nate saying to Asha "could you teach me everything you know, is that something you think you could do for me??" Haha! At bedtime I asked him what he already knew, his answer was "I know you're lovely and I know about recycling." Haha! 
Early nights for the kids, and a prayer meeting with our UK church for me. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Today's fiesta day meaning the kids could have a chilled day of fun.
2) Danny and Stephen doing the prison visits - a new sad story today.
3) These 3 getting on well today - until very recently he's been the annoying little one...

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