Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Bone of my Bone ..

The Mono Monday challenge today is to produce a family portrait, one that shows a family resemblance.

The problem is, TM and I are home alone, there's no-one around to pose. But it's a miserably cold, dull day and a little photo fiddling will be a welcome diversion from making gallons of pumpkin soup ...

I've already used one of the shots above, a picture of my daughter Alison and her daughter,  taken in spring last year.  I like it because it shows just how alike they are. 

Combined with it, is a picture that I took today of a small painting of my great-grandmother, which I think was done from a photograph, probably in the 1880s.

I once said to Al that I thought she looked like her G-G-Grandmother in this picture, and she was not impressed. 

In the extra I've superimposed one on the other. Unfortunately it makes Al look as if she has a beard (she doesn't !!), but the bone structure is nearly identical. Spooky, almost.

Thanks to Carolina for a most interesting challenge.

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