Remembrance 3

First Poppy Laying.
Although the Poppy Stands have been out and about since Thursday today marks the ‘official launch’ by town councils in their Gardens of Remembrance.
We gathered together at the War Memorial in Kimberley Park, not many, around a dozen. Wind and intermittent rain made it the sort of day we associate with November. The formal laying of poppies with the accompanying service takes only a short while and afterwards there is the opportunity for more personal remembrance.

Remembrance means different things to different people, I use this period leading up to the day it’s self to recall my family’s service, my grandparents and parents generation. A generation that at a time towards the last year of WWII when Britain was running out of manpower that fathers and sons fought in the same battles but in different units, of my great uncle George, killed in action in 1916 aged just 22, of Mrs S’s grandfather who fought at Monte Cassino with the Free Polish.
As the day itself draws closer I remember the friends and comrades I served with.
Remembrance is a personal thing.

Main - The Garden of Remembrance with its first clutch of Poppy Crosses
Supplementary - Our Family Crosses

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