Remembrance 2

Things supposedly go in cycles so I guess Remembrance Events would be the same. I recall standing at the War Memorial on Remembrance Sunday around twenty-five years ago amongst a crowd of around thirty, I was told that thirty was around the usual.
Fast forward to 2019, pre Covid, the police estimated the crowd at that Remembrance Day Service at around 1,200.
Year on year the numbers laying wreaths increase, this year EPIC, the Veterans Gig Charity, have been added to the Civic List, it’s a good thing.
I was on my way to Sainsbury’s for the early shift on the Poppy Appeal this morning when I saw what I’d describe as one of the most selfish acts I have seen for a while; an ambulance with its ‘blues & twos’ on was sat behind a BMW being driven by a young female was stopping it from getting to where it was needed because she wanted to turn left into McDonalds for her burger. She just sat there refusing to move - incredible.

Off coat after four hours on the stall for some shopping, then home, shopping put away and then headed back for the final two hour shift of the day.

Started a new regime, vitamin supplements with iron, to see if it gives me a bit more staying power over the day.

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