Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Look what they've done!

Wow, I know Haymarket has been an eyesore of a gapsite for decades, but this, the new build there, is huge. I have seen the drawings and projections, but I don't think they give any idea of the sheer scale of it, towering over the other buildings. The area is going to look very different.
I went into town just after lunch time today, Colin dropped me at Haymarket and I walked up Morrison Street, Bread Street and to the farmers market at the Castle Terrace carpark. I've been trying to get there for ages. I also took the chance to pop into one of my favourite card and gift shops on Morrison Street. Sadly, having failed to sell it as a going concern, it is about to close down. I felt a little guilty taking advantage of their sale. The other shop which I know and like, with similar stock, is down by the Shore in Leith, not the easiest place to get to just now.
The market was busy, I picked up some ham terrine from Café St Honoré, a venison pie from one of the butcher stalls and some fresh foccacia from Andanté. A good haul.
I walked home via Lothian Road, Haymarket and the cycle path, 4.8 miles in total so that was good.
Back home I relaxed for a while and enjoyed the fact that dinner was sorted at minimum effort.
Clocks back tonight, I'll enjoy the extra hour's kip or at least I'll enjoy lounging around before church in the morning.
We had a team of folks ringing our church bell this evening at 6pm to draw attention to the climate emergency and to mark Cop26. I do hope something useful comes of all this expense and upheaval. I saw what I presume was a car load of dignitaries, (there were actually 3 cars) being escorted by 4 mc outriders and two police cars when I was walking this afternoon.
On and we did some furniture rearranging this afternoon, we took the bed which had been in the sitting room back upstairs. My sister will be pleased - she was complaining that sleeping at the front of the house, while the bed was downstairs, was a very noisy experience.. Do keep safe everyone

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