
By QuerkyPoo


The is a juvenile male white backed Australian Magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen)
yet another Australian introduction.

I used to belong to a bike riding group called the "magpies"
we met on Wednesdays and rode 50 k or so through country areas where during the spring (when these blokes were nesting)they'd fly up behind us and wack us on the helmet. sometimes taking a gash out of the headwear!!!
the common way to interupt this was to have a friend waiting with a shotgun and BANG! or we put large plastic electrical ties in our helmets - sticking jupwards to interfer with the maggies flight path.

well the shotgun thing did happen at least once that I know of but it was a bit of a dangerous activity so it didnt catch on !! the ties did though and the riders are still seen riding the country areas looking a lot like Martians!!

rgds poo

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