Captain's Logbook

By CaptainSensible

Sparkling bike

A good day today. Got a load of admin done at work. Had a nice Vietnamese lunch with workmates and then popped over to see missymoo for a bipmeet. We had a laugh. It was very cold messing around in her garden and I couldn't stop sneezing. Mr M wanted to toast marshmallows using a BBQ lighter which was amusing.

We decided to light paint one of the kids bikes with sparklers. Followed by an amusing session on Photoshop. Lets say we all work differently! :-)

We composited the sparkly bike images and played around with filters. Back at home much later (after the badminton run) I put together this image. I also stitched together a two gigapixel panorama I had snatched earlier as a back up blip. They certainly get big quick!

And now it's a four day weekend with the promise of lots of chocolate. Yippeee!

PS I put the pano in my blipfolio if you want to have a look here.

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