I think I finally know you...
When you look at your eyes, I mean really look at them.. what do you see?
Tonight my eyes are Blue, with a splash of brown in the middle. They both have the same colour splash in them, but not in the same order.
Do you ever wonder why?
And when you ask me, "why what? " I just mean why?
Why have my eyes formed like that? Why are Himself's Eyes much bluer than mine. Why are my eyes round, and his are long? How are they connected to my brain? Why do they see everything? How does my brain understand what they see?
How did a human body form from cells? How do people grow babies inside themselves? How are we able to squish them out without being ripped apart.
Why did someone decide that it was a good idea to invent a microwave oven, why did someone invent a vinyl disk? How do you squish music into an MP3. How do we recall things? What's the earliest memory you have? How do we learn to speak? Why Can't i learn another language just by wishing?
I'm very thoughtful today.
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