
By WhiskyFoxtrot


"It makes me happy!" is the chorus of a song by Terrorvision back from the late 90s. Great, bouncy tune.

I took this photo and asked people what goes with lime. Evidently tequila, lager, gin... and then some others came up with tasty food recipes like key lime pie.

I had a couple of other shots today but I found them a bit too bleak. One was of a queue in front of the local Citizen's Advice Bureau. I have nothing but respect for the staff and volunteers that keep the CABs going and my heart goes out to them and their clients in these hard, hard times.

This is, however, the start of a long weekend and I, for one, am looking forward to a bit of time off (and chocolate!). I hope you all get a bit of time off and to do a bit of what you like.

Thank you to everybody for your response to yesterday's blip. Gratitude abounds!

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