A few years ago I spent a few days with a photographer, creating images for my massage website. She was amazing and opened up doors I had quietly closed years ago. I remember going to her flat to go over the photos and was struck by two lists she had put on the wall. One was of work she was grateful for and the other was things she wanted to bring into her life. She introduced me to an attitude of gratitude.
Since then I've studied Buddhism and the idea that we can choose our thoughts. I've noticed a profound change in my attitude.
To be fair, the foundation had been laid. My partner is an optimist and when bad things happen he thinks 'something will turn up' and when he's around, something generally does. His attitude has rubbed off on me and I find myself looking for the silver lining and expecting the best.
Today I have many reasons to be grateful. Yesterday I asked a colleague for advice and today I acted upon it, with great results. I woke up around 3:30 AM to a street covered in snow and this afternoon felt the heat of the sun on my face. This morning I felt pressed for time and the sunshine and the Gothic Rocket presented themselves as a blip and said, 'will we do?' Oh yeah, baby.
Actually, the gratitude list is much longer and starts with 'I woke up alive and well'. Sure, we had as much snow today as we had sunshine, but it was all beautiful. The days are getting longer and soon the clocks will bound forward...
Considering I spent my teenage years and twenties speaking with a sarcastic tone of voice, the change in me is remarkable and I'm grateful.
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