Peat Free

I have been bulb planting this afternoon. Six big pots with the bulbs in three layers. A bulb lasagna.

I always try to use peat free compost. Having spent years attempting to stop peat extraction on Salford’s mosslands as part of my job (lots of legal complexities, it went all the way to the High Court), it has to be done. Lowland raised bog is a much reduced habitat in the UK, vital for all sorts of plants and animals. And peat locks up a lot of carbon, so using peat free composts has a significant climate change benefit.

This peat free compost is described as organic. That must refer to the large, attractively marked moth which flew out of the bag as I was trowelling compost out (extra). It sat with wings shivering, so I have put it into our shed to overwinter.

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