Fool me twice...

When it comes to what she would like for dinner, Abi is rarely clear about what she wants although quite clear about what she doesn't, i.e. pretty much all the things I suggest.

I was working from home again, today, so I thought I'd walk around to Booths at lunchtime and pick up the ingredients for whatever she wanted for dinner. I sent her a quick text asking what she fancied. "I don't mind" she replied.

I fall for this time and again.

"Ah" I thought, "I'll make us corn chowder."

Now, as it happened, I ran out of time to go shopping at lunchtime; I finished one task only to realise I had a Teams meeting in ten minutes' time, leaving me just long enough to grab something to eat.

When Abi arrived home from school, I told her I hadn't been shopping yet but that I was going to make us corn chowder. Well, she found this uproariously funny. As if she would want that!

Anyway, in other news, UPS did actually turn up.

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