
My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

In a surprising turn of events, even contractors at Kāinga Ora have been granted a paid day off - any day we choose in October - for what is called "manaakitanga day".

The Māori dictionary defines this word as, "hospitality, kindness, generosity, support - the process of showing respect, generosity and care for others". At Kāinga Ora, they just define it as, "people at the heart".

Basically a mental health day then, for all employees. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy about the organisation that I'm able to have today off. And the fact that Monday is Labour Day here means that I get a 4 day weekend. 

Caro was in town to meet up with OrkneyCaro for lunch so I was left to my own devices. As you can see, I spent some of that time rolling around on the deck with Jasper. 

But I spent some of my day away from my colleagues, preparing for a work evening I have organised. The rather less inspiringly titled, "Con Air Night" where we will watch the 90's action classic projected on a meeting room wall. 

And because I am me, I have edited in trailers and an intermission and some funny old drive-in adverts for hot dogs and something they call Chilly Dilly.

It should be fun. I organised it because it came up in conversation that Corrie* has never even HEARD OF "Con Air". 

This will not stand. 

And when Caro was heading for the train home today, who should she meet but Corrie herself! Caro got a big hug and Corrie asked Caro to tell me that she had missed me on my manaakitanga day. 

It is such a lovely work atmosphere that I actually found I had missed Corrie too. And I messaged her to tell her this.

In further manaakitanga news, you will be glad to hear that Loulou is up and about. We got a text from her today saying she has been for a proper "big girl" pee on her own and everything. I'm sure she is just being upbeat and brave for us and that she must be in a lot of discomfort. But it made me happy to hear from her. She is in my heart today. 


* A young person.

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