Journal of Jackie

By Jackie18

Back on the ward

Rafi came off the ventilator yesterday evening, and was discharged from ICU and back to the ward to 'his' bed space today.
So good to be back on the ward and surrounded by nurses and support workers that we know so well. ICU staff were all wonderful too.
Rafi is quite tired today, understandably, but still managed to make us laugh. Kiera doesn't want him to be left out at Easter and thinks Rolo yogurts might be a good substitute for Easter eggs (although I don't think he'll be allowed them) She asked him to let us know how many he wanted by blinking, and he blinked and blinked and blinked, we could almost see a little smirk on his face!
The school that Rafi and Nina go to (Outwood Academy Valley) had a fundraising 'Wacky tie' day today. They managed to raise £1850 for the Children's Hospital Charity, well done Valley!
Just realised I have forgotten to mention that yesterday we found out that funding has been approved for Rafi to attend The Children's Trust Tadworth
for residential rehab for 3 months. We are all over the moon as it means that Rafi will stand a better chance of reaching his full potential ( he might be able to have hydrotherapy every day!)

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