Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Through the arched window...

I woke up feeling slightly queasy this morning so decided to have a lazy day (thankfully I'm feeling a lot better this evening).
Today's blip is an mdf mirror which I bought in the early nineties from Granary Wharf, (the dark arches) in Leeds I found the candle later that same year and the two have had a happy partnership ever since in our hallway.
Other than that, a quick Zoom out for some nappies, (as one does). We have a special visitor coming tomorrow.
Keep safe everyone, the covid needs just now is rather disheartening. My app tells me its 5 months and 23 days since my 2nd vaccine so I assume I'll be hearing about #3 relatively soon as the months are 28 day/4 weeks long - or in other words, six months is 168 days.

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