The Family

This morning we had a goodbye brunch for Emma (who I blipped yesterday). Great to get together, give her some gifts, talk about the last few years spent together, and have some giggles. 
Other than that I started making proper headway with regards swapping rooms with Mitch. Our bedroom has an ensuite so it seems better for him to have our bedroom and bathroom and us to have Nate's bedroom and share a bathroom with the kids. We're trying to squeeze as much of our clothing etc into Nate's room - I'm needing to have some storage brainwaves! Especially as Nate's room is also where we keep our stock of clothes for the homeless!
Caña Club tonight and it was almost a full house, just missing Chris who's away. So so lovey that Mitch and his family came too...lovely to see him in his Dad and partner role.
Part way through the evening a blast from the past showed up - Marco Longhair! He was a big part of our life in 2014/15 but then left the island. He's back for 2 days. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Marco Longhair and all the memories we have of him! I'm glad that he chose to come hang out with us even though he's only here for 48 hours.
2) Mitch and co choosing to come hang out at Caña Club tonight even though they only have 1 week together.
3) The Atlanta boys being back around - our kids just love them!

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