
By Mindseye

Dew, Rain, Tear drops

Slept ok again……awake earlyish, lazed around, got up 9.30, showered and dressed, downstairs by 10.

Another greyish, dampish day…….as you can see from the droplets on the leaves in my blip. 

 Had a catch up call with sis in law, all ok down south, then youngest son rang, another catch up, seeing him and DiL Thursday evening. 

Spent an hour clearing emails, so I have half a chance tomorrow when I start work, to be productive!  Really need my big screens, the laptop is too small and gives a headache in no time lol!  Hopefully they will come this week. 

Felt like I deserved a coffee and a bacon roll for my late lunch, so took a drive down to Costa…….. very busy, seems to be ever more popular! I thought it might be quiet, Sunday lunch and all….?!  Picked up a couple of items I needed whilst I had the car, save carrying them back home.  The afternoon was a little brighter, but way too damp to get anything done in the garden! 

Id taken a small lamb fillet joint out of the freezer, decided to debone it and make a lamb curry for dinner.  Found a Kerala recipe on you tube, had all the ingredients necessary……it used coconut milk too.  It was nice, have frozen the remainder for later. Just had it over boiled basmati, with wilted spinach stirred in. 

Watched the Strictly results, defo the right one went home.
Also watched the Earth Shot programme, some innovative and impressive winners…….good that its been passed to the USA for the second year. 
Now watching Angela Black and recording Ridley Road. 

Have felt a bit better today, no teardrops……so far! 
Have put hubs photo into a nice frame, in lounge. I have chosen which photo I want of both of us, which will replace it,  just need to get a larger copy printed! 

Might must have a glass of wine now…….before we head into another “working” week lol 

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