Edinburgh 3D

I would love to find an animation that showed Edinburgh's Old Town initially without any buildings and that then gradually added them in chronological sequence. I have never been to any other city that is quite so multi-layered. One minute you're walking along a road and then suddenly you're on a bridge looking down at a street below.

I took this shot Calton Road, looking up at Princes Street*. I had just dropped my stuff at the car and I was walking up to meet Ash and Bob for our farewell breakfast at The Ivy on St Andrew's Square, where I drank the best Virgin Mary I've ever had.

After that it was time to head for home and I opted to take the A68 and then the A7 down to Carlisle, which is a lovely scenic route and not even half an hour slower than taking the fastest option!

*Technically it has become the A1 by this point.

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