Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

Ain't Miss Behavin'

Yes, that is green tea.
That I'm drinking.
At a bar.

No, don't change the dial - you're tuned into the correct station and I have a confession: I'm currently, temporarily, a teetotaler. This is the fourth day I've abstained from alcohol, even when it may have been socially inappropriate. Like tonight, hanging with my friends at Lulu's.

The reason? I'm finally committed to shedding the extra kilos I've gained since moving to Germany. This summer I'm attending my brother's beach wedding and by then I want my slim self back. Since I already exercise regularly and rarely eat sweets or junk food, I need to attack the sneaky culprits: processed carbs and added sugars. For a few weeks at least, I'm cutting out bread, pasta, rice, and anything with added sugar. I'm reducing portion sizes, increasing proteins and vegetables, and avoiding empty calories (bye-bye beloved wine).

That's it. I've put it out there and that makes me accountable. Now I won't be miss behavin*!

*The local bar we expats frequently meet at is owned by an American country singer who also goes by the name "MissBehavin" - her postcard is peeking out behind my glass :)

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